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Business Unit
1. Filter products by properties:Step 1 of 4
Laser Data in µm
3. Collect and order product information:Step 3 of 4
Product Comparison
Particle size distribution [µm] Bulk Density [g/l] Tapped Density [g/l] Carrs Index [%] Flowability
Order Everything from the Infocart
x10 x50 x90
Info Cart
    Info: You can add the requested products to the Info-Cart by pressing the cart symbol.
    4. Compare selected products:Step 4 of 4
    Graphical comparison of laser diffraction data (particle size distribution)
    Particle size input (µm)
    Distribution (output) %
    • Typical cumulative PSD
    • Typical distribution density PSD
    Type your preferred value in the field provided for particle size and see the results for product-related distribution below. Or just draw horizontally in the diagram. A referance grid appears and the related values are shown in the left hand fields. The magnifiier shows you more preecise details and values.
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